Roamin Elks

Rules & By-Laws






The following rules were reviewed and adopted as of December 2008


1. Major Decisions or expenditures must be published in the newsletter prior to being voted on.


2. Camping Reservations must be made with the Treasurer (not his wife).


3. Members who arrive early should save two conveniently located spots for the trailboss and the chuckwagon and the wagon master near the clubhouse.


4. Trailbosses are volunteers - they plan the activities - Friday Night Dinner is potluck. Each member brings Heavy Hors d’oeuvres.


  1. Pot Luck: Each member is to bring a dish to serve 8-10 people. If you have guests, you can have them provide a dish (to serve 8-10), or you must provide a second dish.


6. Trailbosses make sure the coffee is prepared on Friday & Saturday nights so it will be ready the next morning.


7. The Club will reimburse the Trailbosses up to $35 for any expenses (games, prizes, food, etc.) if requested.


8. Anyone who wants a special activity at a campout (celebrate new rig, birthday, anniversary, etc.) must clear this activity with the Trailboss prior to the campout.


9. Saturday Cocktail Party has been eliminated.


10. Guests with Rigs may attend 3 campouts before they must join.


11. Host to notify Secretary of guests and Secretary will prepare name tags for all guests.






Current Rules - Page 2


12. The Breakfast Donation is $2.50 or more per person payable with camp fee.


13. All members traveling to and from a campout will use CB Channel #13.


14. A copy of Rules and By Laws and Directory shall be given to new members.


15. Cooking and Cleanup is done by the Men (women may volunteer). All men are expected to participate.


16. Members with flags and badges may be fined at group meeting if flags are not displayed on rig or badges worn.


17. April Campout will be changed to the second Friday weekend if Easter falls on the third Friday of the month.


18. November Campout will be the second Friday weekend in November.


19. December Campout will be the first weekend in December if possible.


20. The Camper Group By-Laws, Article II-3 is amended to read “At the March meeting of each year, a $25.00 donation will be made by each Camper Group Member of the Roamin Elks.


21. The Camper Group By-Laws, Article II-4 is amended to read “New Members joining during the year will donate, on a pro-rata basis of $2.00 a month down to a minimum of $10.00” for the Roamin Elks.


22. Secretary will add all new rules and delete all old rules voted on by the membership to the Rules Section of the Official Minutes notebook.


23. Widows of active members of the Camper Group will become life members, receive the monthly newsletter, and be welcome at any future campouts.


24. In the event of the death of a member, their spouse or child, the Roamin Elks will make a donation of $25 to the charity of the family’s choice.